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Jouhaina Moussa on persistence, adaptability, and embracing the slip-ups

As a leader, Jouhaina Moussa, the Group Head of Business Development at GV Investments, emphasizes persistence in the face of challenges, viewing failure not as a dead end but as part of the journey towards success

By: Business Today Egypt

Tue, Mar. 26, 2024

As a leader, Jouhaina Moussa, the Group Head of Business Development at GV Investments, emphasizes persistence in the face of challenges, viewing failure not as a dead end but as part of the journey towards success.

With more than 18 years of experience driving growth strategies and business planning, Jouhaina’s journey is grounded in resilience and adaptability as she embraced every mistake and lesson, highlighting the power of hard work in overcoming biases, and advocating for women to let their work speak for itself.

This interview is part of Business Today Egypt's Women in Business series. Catch all of the interviews here.


Describe yourself with a quote from a book, movie, or television show.

I don’t try, I don’t do my best - I do whatever it takes with integrity.


What creates self-doubt for you, and how do you overcome it?

Jouhaina Moussa (GV Developments) BJouhaina Moussa, Group Head of Business Development at GV Investments

Self-doubt is a natural part of the human experience, particularly in a competitive business environment, however, I’ve developed strategies to overcome it:

1. Accepting where I am and working on developing myself to be better

2. Not calling the areas that need development within myself as “weakness points.” They are areas to work on to be better and stronger

3. Breaking down large goals into small, measurable, and achievable targets, and seeking advice from mentors

4. Always stay aware of your business's latest trends and techniques

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. This way, you become fully aware of your strengths and what to work on, allowing me to align my capabilities strategically with my objectives and goals.


As someone with such a successful career, what have you had to sacrifice or put aside along the way?

I prefer not to frame it as sacrifices. If you approach the costs of your success and growth with resentment and frustration, you'll find yourself burdened rather than progressing.

Achieving the ideal balance varies from person to person while maintaining a perfect equilibrium or balance suggests a robotic existence, not a human being with multiple interests.


The notion of what constitutes a perfect workday—whether it's 8, 10, or 14 hours—is subjective and contingent upon individual goals and personal responsibilities.

For me, my optimal balance might entail 14 hours of work and 4 hours of sleep, which may differ significantly from someone else's objectives and personal balance.

That being said, over the years, I've had to forgo aspects of my career to prioritize raising my child single-handedly, avoiding the assistance of a nanny.

I've missed out on social gatherings, postponed special occasions, settled for shortened vacations over extended ones, and endured sleepless nights to pursue education and professional advancement. Rather than viewing these as sacrifices, I perceive them as winning - Winning on my own perfect scale.


What are the traits of leaders you admire? How do you embody those traits?

I prioritize leading with integrity and values. Over the span of my career across three multinational organizations, I have remained steadfast in dedicating my full loyalty to the companies I serve.

Upholding values holds paramount significance for me, both in my professional and personal life. Throughout the years, I've learned the vital importance of aligning personal values with workplace culture. If an organization's values do not match my own, whether prioritizing profit over societal welfare, employee well-being, or national interests, I believe it's imperative to move on.

Remaining in such a situation risks compromising one's integrity, as the saying goes, "the corrupt fruit spoils the basket,” not vice versa.

I integrate these values into all aspects of business, ensuring considerations for social, economic, and financial impacts are aligned.

Furthermore, another trait I admire is the ability to listen to expertise regardless of age or gender. I advocate for valuing intelligence and experience over superficial characteristics; whether the individual is young or old, male or female, their insights and contributions hold equal weight.

Diverse perspectives enrich decision-making processes, fostering innovation and inclusivity.

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Is being a female leader what you imagined it to be like?

Honestly, being a female leader is definitely different than what I expected.

Coming straight from school and college, you experience competition and unfairness on a small scale. Then you hit the real world.

It's like seeing two sides of the same coin. On one side, society and your family might tell you things like “You can't be late because you're a girl” or “You can't go here because you're a girl,” however these come from a place of protection.

On the other side, you might face situations at work such as where you're excluded from a trip because they're all men and “wouldn't be able to cope with them,” or them doubting your capabilities to complete a task because you're a woman. Even promotions you deserve might go to someone with lower performance simply because they're a man with a family to support.

Early on, I met these challenges with anger and frustration, trying to fight my way through and raising my voice to be heard. Now after all these years of experience, I learned the most powerful way to stand out is through hard work; by putting in double, triple, or even quadruple the effort than expected, ensuring your work speaks for itself, so loud they can't ignore it. In the end, not choosing you becomes their loss.


Have you experienced any barriers in the journey to becoming a leader?

Absolutely, there have been huge barriers.

Being a female leader in a field like business development, which is one of the toughest fields, adds a layer of difficulty. Being the only woman in meetings is not easy, it takes extra work to be heard and seen as a key player or decision-maker, leading teams, and being held accountable for that responsibility. It's a demanding game.

You have to be ready to experience pride and stress, blessings and struggle, recognition and pressure.


What are the important qualities for leading during uncertain or challenging times? What important leadership styles do women bring?

Jouhaina Moussa (GV Developments)

One of the most crucial qualities is persistence. Failure is inevitable, but it's a stepping stone and a part of success, not a dead end. Accept it to develop and continue, not to quit.

Falling and rising again is how I view my journey, even when cooking. You experiment and fail, and fail again until you find the perfect recipe.

I believe women bring valuable leadership styles such as empathy, communication, collaboration, and adaptability. These qualities allow us to connect with our teams on a deeper level, build strong relationships, foster a supportive work environment, and navigate through challenges with grace and flexibility.

Additionally, women often bring a sense of inclusivity, intuition, and emotional intelligence to the table, which are essential for driving innovation, creativity, and success in today's diverse and fast-paced business world.

As a woman in business, I'm proud to embrace these unique leadership styles and believe they play a vital role in shaping the future of leadership.


Can you offer any advice to someone interested in pursuing a similar career path?

Begin with a solid foundation by leveraging a skill you know you possess.

For instance, when I started on my career journey, I recognized my proficiency in bridging gaps within business processes. Whether it involved crafting process manuals, conceptualizing business models, securing new clients, or serving as a central liaison between departments, I excelled at ensuring seamless operations and alignment across all functions.

Over the years, this core asset has evolved into a defining characteristic of my professional identity. Even if this skill isn't initially fully developed and matured, starting with a strong foundation allows for its refinement and growth over time.


Would you have done anything differently in your life (career or personal) if you knew what you know now?

Of course, when you know better, you do better. In both my professional and personal lives, my mistakes did an excellent job of teaching me what I know now, and I am grateful for each slip.


What is the biggest takeaway from 2023 for you?

My biggest takeaway from 2023 was gaining a better understanding of the importance of adaptability and resilience.

The ever-changing business landscape, especially in light of the ever-evolving global economic situation, presented numerous challenges, but it also provided valuable opportunities for growth and development.

It’s crucial to be flexible, diversify investment portfolios, and implement cost-saving measures to ensure stability and sustainability in the face of economic volatility, to pivot when necessary, and always be prepared for the unexpected. It taught me the importance of staying proactive, innovative, and being a solution-maker.

Overall, 2023 reinforced the idea that the most lucrative business opportunities lay in the greatest market volatilities.