China to establish bet. 7 & 8 projects in Egypt with investments exceed 100M

Heiba also highlighted 10 more projects currently undergoing intensive collaboration with the Turkish team, comprising approximately 7 new initiatives.

By: Business Today Staff

Mon, Sep. 2, 2024

Egypt is discussing with investors from China to establish between 7 and 8 large-scale projects with investments exceeding $100 million in the sectors of new and renewable energy, engineering industries, and spinning and weaving, according to a statement by CEO of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), Hossam Heiba.

Heiba also highlighted 10 more projects currently undergoing intensive collaboration with the Turkish team, comprising approximately 7 new initiatives.

CEO of GAFI revealed the details of a package of projects proposed for partnership with the private sector in the tourism, health, and education sectors, including about 30 opportunities in the healthcare sector, and about 16 universities.

The opportunities in the tourism sector include 3 partnership projects in the city of Sharm El-Sheikh.

These include a medical and hospital tourism resort, an international hub for cultural and commercial entertainment, and a sports academy.

Additionally, there are partnership opportunities for establishing a yacht marina in the Galala region.

He also revealed that the Authority had completed studying 8 golden licenses and presented them to the cabinet, including projects in the energy, engineering industries, and university and basic education sectors.