Egypt to Host International Programming Championship in Luxor, Welcoming 2,500 Participants from 111 Countries

Egypt set to become the global hub for programming excellence as it hosts the International Programming Championship in Luxor.

By: Mohamed Zain

Sat, Apr. 13, 2024

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) held a press conference today, Wednesday, to reveal details about Egypt hosting the International Programming Championship from April 14-19, 2024, in Luxor Governorate under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of the Republic.

The championship will host nearly 2,500 individuals from 111 countries, including students, faculty members, university presidents, as well as heads of major global programming companies such as Huawei, Microsoft, and GitLab.

During and after the championship, various tourist, entertainment, and cultural trips will be organized for the participants, in addition to visits to various tourist attractions, which will promote tourism companies across all sectors and airlines.

The largest and oldest university programming competition globally, held since 1977 with its main headquarters in Texas, USA.

Every year, nearly 75,000 students from 111 different countries participate, and the qualifying rounds are conducted in several stages to reach the final rounds, with the top 300 teams selected from 20,000 participating teams this year.

AASTMT Chairman, Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Faraj, stated that the political leadership's support and sponsorship for Egypt hosting this competition reflects the extent of interest in the human element and human development and competitiveness of minds.

Dr. Abdel Ghaffar emphasized the Academy's constant interest in such competitions, noting that they provide an excellent opportunity for the exchange of experiences among university students from around the world, enhancing scientific and technological cooperation among these countries, and developing their programming skills.

He pointed out that the ICPC competition is the largest and oldest university programming competition globally, held since 1977 with its main headquarters in Texas, USA, with nearly 75,000 students from 111 different countries participating every year, and the qualifying rounds are conducted in several stages to reach the final rounds. The top 300 teams from 20,000 participating teams were selected this year.

The President of the Academy concluded his speech by expressing thanks and appreciation to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, for his great support for the youth and his keenness on their development in various fields.

It is planned that the opening ceremony of the championship will be held at the Luxor Temple and the closing at the Hatshepsut Temple, with the presence of a elite of technology and programming leaders in the world.