NEA Director Reports Smooth Operations and High Turnout in Egypt's 2024 Presidential Elections

NEA's Ahmed Bendari updates on Egypt's 2024 Presidential Elections, emphasizing smooth operations.

By: Mohamed Zain

Sun, Dec. 10, 2023

Ahmed Bendari, the Executive Director of the National Election Authority (NEA) and Head of the Central Operations Room overseeing Egyptians' voting, addressed the media on Sunday, providing insights into the ongoing presidential elections in Egypt.

Bendari reported that the Operations Room has been diligently monitoring the citizens' turnout at polling stations since the commencement of voting. Conducting audio and video calls with the heads of polling stations across various governorates, judges confirmed the regularity of the voting process in both general and sub-stations as voters cast their ballots.

He revealed that the total of 11,631 sub-polling stations, constituting the entirety of sub-stations, are operating regularly. Only 376 sub-committees faced delays, with the last station opening its doors for voting in the Al-Ayat area in Giza Governorate, station No. 44, attributed to its geographical location.

Bendari emphasized the significant expatriate participation, noting the highest turnout in various governorates since the opening of voting in the presidential elections. Stations designated for women have also reported notable levels of engagement.

Addressing judges overseeing the elections, Bendari directed them to collaborate with individuals holding permits issued by the National Elections Authority, including media, press, and representatives of local and international civil society organizations. The aim is to facilitate their tasks in adherence to the controls outlined by the authority.

The ongoing 2024 presidential election is the fifth multi-party election in Egypt's modern history. Its importance lies in being a pivotal step in the nation's democratic transformation, embracing party pluralism, and fostering political competitiveness. This comes after a year and a half of extensive national dialogue, involving all components of Egyptian political, union, and civil society.

As Egypt navigates its democratic journey, Ahmed Bendari's updates highlight the positive aspects of the 2024 elections, ensuring transparency and vigilance in the electoral process.