Volume of trade exchange bet. Egypt & UK records GBP 2.8B in 2023

El-Khatib added that Cumulative British investments until June 2024 amounted to $21.5 billion across several sectors, notably petroleum, financial services, communications, and industry.

By: Business Today staff

Sun, Sep. 8, 2024

The volume of trade exchange between Egypt and the United Kingdom (UK) during 2023 reached about GBP 2.8 billion, Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, Hassan El-Khatib said during his meeting with British Commissioner for Trade with Africa, John Humphrey to enhance trade and investment relations between Egypt and UK during the next stage.

El-Khatib added that Cumulative British investments in Egypt until June 2024 amounted to $21.5 billion across several sectors, notably petroleum, financial services, communications, and industry.

Minister El-Khatib is scheduled to travel to the UK this month to update the British business community on recent advancements in economic reform and present investment prospects for British investors. Of particular focus will be opportunities in green technology, the digital economy, renewable energy, and logistics sectors.

Humphrey emphasized the new British government's interest in enhancing investment and trade relations with Egypt, pointing out the significant opportunities available to British companies to benefit from their presence in the Egyptian market as a springboard to access the markets of African countries.

During the meeting, opportunities and areas of investment available to British companies in Egypt were presented, along with the incentives offered by the Egyptian government to investors.