Cairo governorate to receive investments worth EGP 102.6B in 2022/2023 plan

The aim is to raise awareness among citizens regarding the sustainable development plan and its priorities and role in achieving "Egypt's Vision 2030.

By: Mohamed Zain

Sat, May. 6, 2023

Ministry of Planning and Economic Development has released the outline of the "Citizen Investment Plan" for Cairo governorate for the fiscal year 2022/2023 as part of its efforts to declare the plan in all governorates of the Republic for the fourth consecutive year.

The aim is to raise awareness among citizens regarding the sustainable development plan and its priorities and role in achieving "Egypt's Vision 2030."

Dr. Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, emphasized that community participation is the main guarantee for localizing sustainable development goals, achieving balanced regional development, and bridging developmental gaps between different governorates, in line with Egypt's Vision 2030 and the seventeenth goal of the Global Sustainable Development Goals "Partnerships for the Goals."

El-Said added that the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development is keen to involve citizens in all stages of the development process, which begins with planning, followed by monitoring and evaluation of impact, and always works to take rapid steps towards creating an appropriate environment to enhance this participation.

This is done by providing detailed data on annual sustainable development plans, issuing periodic implementation monitoring reports, or proposing priority initiatives and projects, within a comprehensive and integrated participatory approach, to achieve the principle of "leaving no one behind."

Regarding the Citizen Investment Plan for Cairo governorate, El-Said explained that the number of developmental projects in the governorate reaches 1,326 projects, and the value of public investments directed to Cairo governorate in the 2022/2023 plan is EGP 102.6 billion, an increase of 25.3% from the 2021/2022 plan.

As for the sectoral distribution of public investments targeted for Cairo governorate in the 2022/2023 plan, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development report indicated investments worth EGP 44.3 billion for the transport sector, accounting for 43%, followed by the housing sector with a value of EGP 20.6 billion, accounting for 20%, and then the sector of sanitation, drinking water, and sewage at a value of EGP 11.1 billion, accounting for 11%.

The Citizen Investment Plan has been implemented successfully over the past years in various governorates, achieving great success and contributing to the development of various sectors. Through this plan, citizens are actively participating in decision-making and implementation processes, which reflects the government's keenness to involve citizens in the development process and ensure a sustainable future for all.