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Arab-Islamic Summit issues resolution in solidarity with Palestine, condemns Israel's aggression in Gaza

The leaders condemn Israel's assault on Gaza, labeling it a war crime.

By: Mohamed Zain

Sat, Nov. 11, 2023

In an unprecedented joint summit, the Arab and Islamic leaders have crafted a resolution, signaling unwavering support for Egypt's efforts to address the grave consequences of Israel's brutal aggression on Gaza. The resolution emphasizes backing Cairo's endeavors to swiftly and sustainably deliver aid to the region.

The leaders condemn Israel's assault on Gaza, labeling it a war crime and denouncing the heinous and inhumane acts committed by the colonial occupying government.

The resolution expresses rejection of any attempt to justify this retaliatory war as self-defense and condemns the forced displacement of over 1.5 million Palestinians from northern to southern Gaza as a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and its 1977 Protocol.

Full and collective rejection is asserted against any individual or mass forced transfer, expulsion, or deportation of the Palestinian people within Gaza, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, or beyond, considering it a red line and a war crime.

The leaders call on the UN Security Council to issue a decisive and binding resolution enforcing an immediate cessation of the aggression. They urge the Council to curb the colonial occupation's violations of international law, humanitarian law, and international legitimacy, deeming any delay as complicity, enabling Israel to persist in its savage aggression, resulting in the death of innocents.

Furthermore, the leaders urge the Security Council to issue an immediate resolution condemning Israel's barbaric destruction of hospitals in Gaza, restricting the entry of medicine, food, and fuel, cutting electricity, water supply, and basic services.

They consider these collective punitive measures as war crimes and stress the need for the resolution to compel Israel, as the occupying power, to abide by international laws and immediately revoke these inhumane actions. The resolution highlights the necessity of lifting the siege imposed by Israel on Gaza for years.

Emphasizing the importance of holding Israel accountable, the leaders call on the International Criminal Court's Prosecutor to initiate an immediate investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in all occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem.

They propose the establishment of a specialized joint legal monitoring unit to document Israeli crimes in Gaza since October 7, 2023, and present legal pleadings on all violations of international law and humanitarian law committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem.