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Constitutional process for forming & reshuffling Egypt's government

The Constitution outlines the procedures for changing government. President Sisi can either dismiss the current government and form a new one

Mon, Jun. 3, 2024

The Egyptian Constitution outlines the procedures for forming a government, which involve the following key steps:

The Constitution outlines the procedures for changing government. President Sisi can either dismiss the current government and form a new one, which requires approval from the House of Representatives, or allow the government to resign on its own, triggering the constitutional process for forming a new administration as per Article 146.

1- Appointment of Prime Minister:

The President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi appoints the Prime Minister, who is typically a figure with significant political experience and a strong understanding of the country's challenges.

2- Formation of the Cabinet:

The Prime Minister, after consultation with the President, nominates the members of the Cabinet (ministers) for each ministry.The President has the authority to approve or reject the proposed cabinet members.

3- Presentation to Parliament:

The newly formed Cabinet is presented to the House of Representatives (Parliament) for a vote of confidence. The Cabinet needs a majority vote in Parliament to be officially sworn in and begin its term.

4- Swearing-in Ceremony:

Once the Cabinet receives the vote of confidence from Parliament, the President formally swears in the Prime Minister and the ministers.

5- Cabinet Responsibilities:

The Cabinet is responsible for executing the laws passed by Parliament, managing the country's affairs, and implementing government policies. The Cabinet is accountable to both the President and Parliament.

6- Reshuffles and Dismissal:

The President has the authority to reshuffle the Cabinet, replacing ministers as needed. The Prime Minister can also resign, leading to the formation of a new Cabinet.

Parliament can also vote to dismiss the entire Cabinet if it loses confidence in its performance.

Key Constitutional Provisions:

Article 143: Outlines the powers and responsibilities of the Prime Minister, including the formation of the Cabinet.

Article 144: Details the process of presenting the Cabinet to Parliament for a vote of confidence.

Article 145: Specifies the President's authority to approve or reject the proposed Cabinet members.

Article 146: Outlines the Cabinet's responsibilities, including executing laws, managing affairs, and implementing policies.

Article 147: Details the procedures for reshuffling or dismissing the Cabinet.